Who is the Archangel Michael ?
of reading - words
Welcome to Templar Cross ! Today we are going to talk about the most dreaded winged knight ! we are talking about Archangel Michael, of course.
The Archangel Michael is mentioned in the Torah, in the Bible and in the Koran. Likewise, the Archangel Michael is well known to esoteric enthusiasts who believe in the existence of beings of Light.
In this blog article, you will discover :
- Who is Archangel Michael ?
- How to invoke his presence ?
- How to get the help of Saint Michael
Without further ado, let's dive into this article !
Who is the Winged Knight ?
Archangel Michael is probably one of the best known, loved and invoked Archangels !
His name means "He who is like God".
You will hear about him under the following names : Archangel Michael, Michael or Michael, or Saint Michael (He is so adored that Christians have even raised him to the rank of a saint).
What is Archangel Michael's specialty ?
His mission is to dissipate the lower energies of the Earth, so that light and love may triumph 🥰
This is why in traditional paintings, he is represented trampling a dragon or a demon : it is symbolic, to show that he overcomes Evil.
Concretely, what are the lower energies ? It includes our toxic emotions such as excessive anger, fear, jealousy, slander, resentment (when we can't forgive someone), stress, ...
He is therefore a very important Angel of Healing... even if he is not usually the first one we think of: for Healings, we mainly call upon Archangel Raphael. But since many illnesses have their roots in these undigested "evils", Michael is a powerful ally in healing.
Who can ask Archangel Michael for help ?
He is much appreciated by Christians, but like all Angels and Archangels, Michael is non-denominational : he can be invoked by everyone, whatever your religion or beliefs (or your non-belief 😜 ).
He can be invoked by several people at the same time and thus be called in several places at the same time. He is always happy to help, so don't be afraid to bother him with a request that isn't important, or to "steal" help from someone who needs it more than you do! He will be able to help everyone at the same time, no matter how "serious" your request is.
How do I ask Archangel Michael for help ?
To ask for his help... Just ask him !
You can pray, or simply talk to him, saying: "Michael, help me! “. You can write to him, whisper to him, shout out your request; you can call him by a little nickname known only to you; you can ask him for his help simply in thought; you can invent a little ritual, or not; you can ask him for help anywhere or anytime and in any language... It doesn't matter: he is not formal and simply wants to bring light when you need it ✨
How can Archangel Michael help you ?
Here are some examples of situations in which you can call upon Archangel Michael to help you or someone close to you :
- When you are scared, when you feel angry, or bathed in any lower energy, and you would like to dispel these toxic emotions,
- When you feel in danger,
- When you need protection for yourself, a loved one, your home, your material possessions, etc.
- When you want to keep toxic people, energetic vampires, negative people at a distance,
- When you need to get away from a toxic person or situation (e.g., a job that no longer suits you, a deteriorating relationship, etc.),
- When you can't get over someone (or try to get over someone who keeps coming back),
- When you need to move but you can't find a new home (or you can't sell your apartment/house) - this also works with your car, or anything else you want to renew !
- When you need to be less negative or stressed out
Who does Archangel Michael work for ?
Some people are shocked when reading this type of information, and say that Archangel Michael is not in the service of men, but in the service of God.
And it is true ! He is commissioned by God/Divine/Universe (as you like) to give us His light, His help and His love.
This means that He will come to help only in your highest interest and as long as it does not harm another person... so it is useless to invoke Him to take care of your requests for revenge, to hurt your enemies, to bring back your ex who does not want to hear from you anymore, etc. 😜
On the other hand, if you pursue a "divine" goal, such as to share love, benevolence, or to follow your Divine Life Mission, he will be at your side, as will God, it goes without saying ! 💙
Don't hesitate to invoke the Help of Archangel Michael to protect you and help you get out of a bad situation! He will be more than happy to help you ❤️
How to protect your energy in 10 minutes with Archangel Michael ?
In the rest of this article, we will share with you a quick, easy and super efficient technique to protect your energy with Archangel Michael. With all that is happening in the world, with the constant and ambient negativity to information, and sometimes even around you (in your family or at work), you risk letting yourself be parasitized. By dint of being exposed to the surrounding toxic energy, you end up absorbing it : this makes you tired, causes pain or illness, or makes you feel helpless and depressed. This is why it is crucial that you protect your energy, especially if you are a very sensitive person (also called an Empath), or if you are currently weakened or ill.
Archangel Michael is probably one of the best known and most popular Angels, and no wonder. He is the Archangel of Courage, and his divine mission is to fight against fear and all lower energies (such as anger, hatred, etc.). This is why his help is extremely valuable in all protection rituals and prayers.
Here is how to invoke him to come and protect you from the toxic energies that block the development of your full potential... and your happiness !
Ask God, the Universe, or the Source to send you the Archangel Michael
This ensures that you will receive only pure energies and influences. Sometimes people be like : "How can I be sure that it is angels who come to visit me, and not an evil spirit pretending to be an angel" . Well, here is the solution :
If you're not really a believer in the religious sense of the word, that the idea of the Good God with a beard in the clouds doesn't suit you, that's not a problem. You just have to believe that there is some kind of higher power, some kind of benevolent force, somewhere in the Universe. And if you want to have the Archangel Michael at your side, you logically believe that this force exists. So you can call this force whatever you want to call it. Here are some names that usually work well :
- The Universe : this is the preferred term of the most Cartesian, or Law of Attraction followers.
- The Source : source of life, source of love.
- The Divine : it is not a single God as understood in monotheistic religions, but something divine.
- Love, with a big L, which represents the benevolent energy of love and is omnipresent.
- The Mother and the Father : they represent the nurturing and benevolent aspect (the Mother) and the protective aspect (the Father) that we are trying to invoke here.
- The Good.
- The Light.
Here is an example that you will adapt to your way :
"My God, please assures me that everything that will pass in this invocation is pure and of divine nature. Thank you, so be it. Amen."
Invoke the presence of Archangel Michael at your side
Each person has a different way of addressing him or her.
Some use the vow, use his honorary titles (St. Michael the Archangel). Others prefer a more informal means of communication : this is the case of many people who will call him Archangel Michael, or simply Michael, on a first-name basis, because that's what works for them ! But if it makes you feel weird to be on first-name terms, that you need to express your respect by the greeting or the titles, that's fine too. Just know that it will not be formalized if you use the first name.
Here are some examples of formulas to use to invoke Michael. Don't hesitate to adapt them according to your feeling of the moment.
Dear Archangel Michael, I invoke you by my side now.
Archangel Michael, I ask for your presence.
Archangel Michael, please help me.
Archangel Michael, I need you.
Michael, Help ! SOS !
Be sincere and natural. It is this sincerity and purity center in your heart that will help you connect to him.
Know also that the Archangel Michael, like all the other Archangels, is an "unlimited" being, because he is in the image of God (or of the Universe, of Good). This means that he can be in several places and with several people at the same time. Often, when one is very sensitive or empathetic, one hesitates to ask for help for fear of diverting the Angels from more serious missions. But fortunately, it doesn't work that way ! You don't have to worry, and you can invoke Michael as often as you wish. He will be happy to assist you with anything that concerns you, no matter how serious it is. And that won't stop him at all from taking care of other people at the same time !
Ask Archangel Michael to place a halo of light around you
You are going to ask, and especially visualize, Archangel Michael projecting his king blue/purple light around you. The color looks something like this :
If you're not used to visualizing or meditating, you'll find it a bit difficult to do this exercise at first. Don't focus on details, like the features of Michael's face, his hair curls, the details of his armor.
Go to the essentials, it is simply an Angel sending you a cocoon of light. Focus on the cocoon of light around you, its color, the feeling it gives you, rather than on the one sending it and the size of those biceps. You have already asked God to make sure that what passes in this prayer is pure, and you have asked Archangel Michael to come to your side. The protection is assured, no negative being has come in between. At this stage, what is important is to feel your cocoon of light, to visualize it in your mind.
Initially, when you visualize, the images often appear as in a cartoon (and not with "real" bodies and faces, like in a movie). That's fine. As you get used to visualizing, more details will naturally come into place.
Also, with practice, the size of your cocoon will increase. Initially, you may be able to visualize a cocoon a few centimeters thick. Then 20 centimeters, then 50, then 1 meter.
Decreate that you are Protected by the Archangel Michael
Be concise, and state that you are protected. At first, you may have doubts, it doesn't matter. But as you will see that it works and that the ambient negativity affects you less and less thanks to this shield of light, you will believe it more and more. Your trust and gratitude will be the fuel for what comes next. It's a virtuous circle : the more you like it and the more you believe in it, the better it works.
Be pragmatic, if it works, that's the main thing.
And why doesn't it work as well when you have doubts ? Because doubts create little holes in the cocoon, and continue to let negativity pass, simply because they are negative themselves.
Whereas with confidence, the shield is filled with positivity, so it is armored and thicker and thicker.
So you're going to declare, with confidence, that this shield is present, that it will be presenting all day long and that it will protect you from negativity.
Here is an example of a statement to be pronounced (which you will adapt in your own words) :
Archangel Michael, I am now protected by your light from all toxic energy and from everything that does not contribute to my highest good.
Thank God and Archangel Michael
Of course, once the ritual is over, you will thank for the help that has been sent to you. For example, you can say :
My God, Archangel Michael, thank you for your presence by my side, thank you for watching over me. I have a lot of gratitude. Thank you, Amen.
During the day, you can repeat this prayer or simply repeat the visualization of the blue cocoon to confirm that it is still there (it will strengthen it !).
So, if we do a recap :
- Ask God to send you the archangel Michael and to pass only pure energies.
- Ask the archangel Michael to come to your side.
- Visualize the blue/purple cocoon of Archangel Michael.
- Declare that this cocoon will protect you all day long from negativity.
- Give thanks (loudly, loudly, loudly).
- (Optional) Visualize the cocoon during the day to strengthen it.
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