But before you do, you'll have to meet certain criteria :

  • To be at least 16 years old (To be able to receive PayPal commissions)
  • Be prepared to serve the Templar Order with honor and fidelity.
  • To be worthy of a true Knight Templar

Easier to meet these criteria than to enter the Order in the time of the Knights Templar, eh?

Click here to sign up

How do I sign up for our partner program ?

For that, nothing very complicated ! All you have to do is create an account by filling out the form below with your name, e-mail address and a personalized password.

Here's a complete overview of your affiliate program benefits.

  • For each sale you make, we give you a 10% commission.

Here are the instructions : the user whose link you wish to share must click on your affiliate link so that this visit will be assigned to you for life ! You will then be able to benefit from all our advertising to reach the sales because this visit is yours.

  • Dashboard

In order to ensure absolute transparency, our team has implemented software for its affiliation method. Thanks to this software, you will have access to your personal dashboard where you will be able to monitor your sales and the remuneration to which you are entitled in real time.

  • Discount code

If you want, you can create your own personalized discount code for your users with your name.

Are you interested ? Our goal is to work with our partners over the long term. So if you have any questions or comments, we will, of course, be happy to answer them by e-mail at

Click Here to Sign Up

Welcome to the Order of the Knights Templar Brave Knight !